Smartphone Rules at the Casino: Which Table Games Allow Mobiles?

Smartphone Rules at the Casino: Which Table Games Allow Mobiles?

Smartphones have become an integral part of our lives, and it's no surprise that they accompany us wherever we go, even to the casino. However, when it comes to using smartphones at the casino, there are certain rules and restrictions that must be followed. One common question that arises among casino-goers is, "What table games at casinos are you allowed to have your smartphone in your hand or pocket while you are betting?" Let's explore the answer to this question.


Blackjack is one of the most popular casino table games, and the good news for smartphone enthusiasts is that you are generally allowed to have your smartphone with you while playing blackjack. However, it's important to note that the use of smartphones at the blackjack table is limited to non-gambling activities. You can use your smartphone for checking emails, browsing the internet, or even taking a quick call, but using it for any form of gambling, such as accessing online casino games or using a blackjack strategy app, is strictly prohibited.


When it comes to roulette, the rules regarding smartphone usage vary from casino to casino. Some casinos may allow you to have your smartphone with you, but it should be kept in your pocket or on the table, and you are not permitted to use it while the ball is in play. Other casinos may have stricter rules and require you to keep your smartphone in your bag or locker. It's always best to check with the specific casino you are visiting to understand their rules regarding smartphone usage at the roulette table.


Poker is a game that requires concentration and focus, and therefore, most casinos prohibit the use of smartphones at the poker table. This rule is in place to prevent any potential cheating or distractions. However, some casinos may allow you to use your smartphone during breaks or when you are not involved in a hand. Again, it's important to check with the casino's rules and regulations to ensure you are following their guidelines.


Similar to poker, baccarat is a game where players are typically not allowed to use their smartphones at the table. The focus and integrity of the game are of utmost importance, and the use of smartphones can be considered disruptive. However, as with other table games, the rules may vary from casino to casino, so it's essential to familiarize yourself with the specific rules of the casino you are visiting.

Other Table Games

For other table games such as craps, pai gow poker, or three-card poker, the rules regarding smartphone usage are generally similar to those mentioned for blackjack. Non-gambling activities such as checking messages or making calls are typically allowed, but using the smartphone for gambling purposes is strictly prohibited.

Final Thoughts

While smartphones have become a constant companion for many of us, it's crucial to understand and respect the rules and regulations set by casinos regarding their usage. Each table game may have different rules regarding smartphone usage, and it's always best to inquire with the specific casino you plan to visit to ensure you are following their guidelines.

Remember, the primary purpose of visiting a casino is to enjoy the games and have a good time, so it's important to balance your smartphone usage with the overall casino experience.

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I am the editor and journalist of this blog. I am a gambling expert who has dedicated a significant amount of time to studying slot machines and mastering casino gaming strategies. I moderate every article on this blog.

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Smartphone Rules at the Casino: Which Table Games Allow Mobiles? Smartphone Rules at the Casino: Which Table Games Allow Mobiles? Smartphone Rules at the Casino: Which Table Games Allow Mobiles? Smartphone Rules at the Casino: Which Table Games Allow Mobiles? Smartphone Rules at the Casino: Which Table Games Allow Mobiles? Smartphone Rules at the Casino: Which Table Games Allow Mobiles?
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